It is beautiful. In that wonderful, non-obvious way that speaks to me every time. For now, it consists of an empty space, covered with dry grass and hawkweed in one part and a forest in the other, but with my imagination I see its enormous potential and what it will be like one day.
Everything in me is rushing to make this vision come true, to work in the soil, to plant, clean and settle... To those hundreds of small steps that will ultimately create my place, my Homestead. I am moved by the thought that I can, from the beginning, with my own ideas and my own hands.
And I can, because at the right moment I made the right decision. A series of decisions. It took a while, already years ago I started playing with this idea, giving it shape, adapting it to possibilities and somewhat blurred ideas of the future. Life, how it often happens, verified, changed direction, but this idea stuck somewhere inside me, it did not give in to doubt. I wasn’t sure how, where or when, I wasn’t sure if I could do it, financially, time-wise or logistically… Because how? Here, alone, with my life and work rooted in Ireland, how could I find the way and strength for such a big project?
The goal was uncertain, but I started preparing anyway. It was similar earlier with changing my career from a manager in a corporation to coaching, becoming independent. I wasn’t sure how or when, but I started building the foundations – savings, a change of approach, a new list of things worth investing in, learning and building the most realistic awareness of what could await me. I didn’t want, and I don’t want now, to enter such an important project with only a handful of dreams and the thought of how beautiful it will be. Because dreams are one thing, but you still need time, help and resources to build these dreams. And be ready to overcome countless small difficulties along the way.
I prepared. I have time. Time is somewhat enforced by the current situation in various areas of my life, and the general situation in the world, but on the other hand it is good – forcing my impatient soul and head to calm down, giving me the opportunity to think, choose the best path, test ideas. I know that this project will take years, and I am ok with it (which does not mean that I like this idea too much 😊). When I can, I create and use time windows to fly to Poland and move things forward.
Somehow, this limited availability gives every moment a special meaning, a distinct flavor. Even writing these words in my Irish apartment, I feel a wave of warmth and excitement spreading through my whole body. And I am already waiting for the moment when in a few weeks I will get on a plane again and I will be there, on the plot, observing and creating changes. And when I go next time, everything will be a little different again, greeting me with new smells, colors and sounds. It will already be a little more mine, homey.
How is it there?

As I mentioned, the plot is a bit unusual. Its boundaries do not form a single right angle, and it also runs diagonally to the road. Although the side along the road is about 170 meters long, it only touches it for 6 meters and through this small entrance we enter the area. Each side adjoins a different type of terrain, a grove, a field with corn shooting up to the sky, a fallow.
The whole plot is over 8 thousand square meters, of which over 5 thousand meters are taken by forest. When I am there, look at this space, and the wind brings the chirping of birds and the rustle of trees, I breathe deeply and absorb these impressions with all my being. I feel that this is my place. I need it.
When you rise above the crowns of birches, pines and spruces, you will see around you huge stretches of forests, meadows and fields. Within a radius of several kilometers there are lakes, rivers and canals. You drive through small villages, passing farms surrounded by fields and small summer houses. This is where I come from. This is where we rode our bikes in the summer to swim in rivers and lakes, where we picked berries and buckets of mushrooms in the forests, were you find regional festivals and sausages by the fire.
I have changed, I have grown up, all this has a different meaning for me now. I have experienced the "big world" and big corporations, and now I am making a very conscious decision - I am going back home...