February 27th. Over the weekend a warm meeting with a friend. Ideas, emotions, hope and deep breaths to not rush too far forward with my thoughts.
I need to be careful because, even though I can move slowly, I have this impatience in me, and I miss Poland very much. I miss going home. I finally admitted to myself that despite everything Ireland has given me over these eleven years, despite the fact that I managed to create a good home life here, I miss it. And since I decided to go back, I have been hoping that Siedlisko Zmiana will become THE place, the final one, truly mine, that will allow me to finally calm down and stop living in another "temporary period".
And there are emotions because I found a potential place. And someone who will help me deal with all the stuff related to purchasing the land. Another friendly, helpful soul. Today we talked for the first time, and there was a smile in the conversation already. I feel blessed. When I look around, I see how many such wise, warm and open women I have in my life.
Of course, it's hard to believe that the first piece of land I spotted could be the final one, but who knows? And if it turns out that's not the case, I have time. I know what I want and I will keep looking until I find it.
And in the meantime, I'm happy with what I have now. And I have a lot, see for yourself...