As of today, January 21, 2024 - Siedlisko Zmiana (Homestead 'Change') simultaneously exists and does not exist.
It doesn't exist as one specific place, not yet. Next week I'm going for the first reconnaissance in the area I've chosen. We will walk through forests and meadows, along canals and rivers, and we will search. I know the perfect place for my home and retreat is there somewhere.
Because I'm going back to Poland. For now, in plans, dreams and short trips, but still.
I am returning to Poland to start building a new chapter after 11 years of living in another country - the chapter of Siedlisko, a place for me, my loved ones and future Guests. Who are the Guests?
My future Guest is You. A person who, after intense days, weeks and months, is looking for a moment of peace away from the hustle and bustle of the city and corporate meetings. A person who misses home cooking and sitting at a simple wooden table with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or aromatic tea from a teapot with a drawing of a chicken on the side. Someone who enjoys and values a deep conversation. And someone who at the same time needs to clear their head in the nearby forest, listen to the birds and the sound of the river.
Welcome to my dream. Will you stay with me?